Kuan Xiangzi and Zhai Xiangzi

China is changing at a rapid pace and the country appeals in many different ways. The taste of the varied foods that are all cooked to perfection.  The sight of so many people, magnificent Skyscrapers with not so magnificent regimented living blocks.  Hearing the noise of incessant traffic with horns blaring and people rushing around in cars, motorbikes and bicycles.  Every city seems to be a perpetual traffic jam.  The smell of fumes in the streets against the wonderful culinary smells in the restaurants.  On balance I fell in love with China as I loved the energy of the country and its people. I had a unique photographing opportunity during my work visit for the University of Birmingham. The cities I visited were Chengdu, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Nanjing.  I travelled by plane and high-speed train. The latter was fast and efficient but most of all cheap. 

My first photographic tour is of Chengdu which is the place where pandas live and the whole society is orientated around their presence.  Pandas are everywhere ranging from pictures to statues.  The real ones live outside the city. My trip was short so I did not get a chance to see the real pandas. I had a wonderful few hours exploring the streets of Chengdu especially the Wide and Narrow Lanes (Kuan Xiangzi and Zhai Xiangzi)

The various activities on the streets of Chengdu from food to having your ears cleaned

The following are the individual pictures and each has a story attached to them.

Many of the shops are focussed on Panda’s as soft toys, food packaging or themed restaurants
Face changers and masks are very popular predicting many different characters
Street food in abundance
The Chinese are not afraid of being seen and there is a love of voyeurism. This cook is preparing food in a shop window.
Food preparation is an art as this woman prepares delicate sugar figures
Sugar Mice ready to be brought
On every street corner, people are having their ears inspected and cleaned. The instruments used were long and pointy and not a procedure that I would have done.
Traditional Chinese costume on display
People love having selfies taken and as I randomly pointed my camera this woman took up a pose for me. She held the position for several pictures.

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